Monday, March 23, 2009

My very first post!

Well I have finally decided to join the blogging world! (Can anyone tell me how to make my homepage picture smaller?) I've tried to start it a few times but never succeeded. I have a shutterfly page ( for those of you interested), but this seems a little more fun! Plus, I've become kinda addicted to blogs lately. Yeah, I'm intrigued by other peoples' lives. I love keeping in touch and seeing pictures. And...I even follow a few blogs of people I don't know. Don't lie, you know you do it too! I've been sick since Saturday night so my parents have had Avie since last night so she won't get sick. I MISS HER! I would like to dedicate tonight's post to my little angel, Avie Drue...

She looks so pretty in blue...with her blue eyes...

And OMG...this little bunny is the cutest little bunny I've ever seen! I got Avie and my nieces bunny ears at Target...yeah, I'm the girl who brings her own props to the portrait studio. This tulle is from my wedding reception.

We can wear little bows now!!!

And a sweet black and white bunny shot...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! and welcome!! Love love love the little bunny, can't wait to see her and H play. Your background is quite delightful!

    As far as the picture, I would try making the file itself smaller...maybe you should scan it if that doesn't work??? My sister uses JCPenney pitures on her blog and they work fine (I'm assuming that is where you had them made??) and I will ask her if she changes the file first.
